NoTime (in Malaysia Time)Session
108.00 – 09.00Sign up for the conference participants (online and offline)
209.00 - 09.10Opening The 2nd ICEDUALL
309.10 - 09.30Opening Remarks:
- Prof. Dr. Harun Joko Prayitno (Head of Assosiasi LPTK-PTMA)
409.30 - 09.55Keynote Speech: Hermono (Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Chief of Representative)
509.55 - 10.00Coffe Break
610.00 - 11.00Panel Invited Speakers:
1. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Firdaus (Atdikbud KBRI Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
2. Prof. Mohd. Hairy bin Ibrahim (UPSI, Malaysia)
3. Aziz Awaludin, Ph.D. (University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA)
4. Prof. Mahamaroslee Maeyu (Fathoni University, Thailand)
5. Prof. Dr. Harun Joko Prayitno (The Head of The Association of LPTK-PTMA, Indonesia)
711.00 - 14.30Parralel Presentation Session:

Presentation of results of PPM KI/ KKN KI/ PkM KI
814.30 - 14.45Clossing Session