Parallel presentation of the 4th ICEDUALL

Hongkong, 23 February 2024

No Author Name(S) Paper Title Video URL
1 Lutfi Abdurahman, Tatang Herman, Babang Robandi Digital Pedagogical Approaches To The Challenges Of Globalization And The 21st Century
2 Vendra Oktareno Ardiansya, Minsih The Problem-Based Learning Model’s Effectiveness In Fostering Critical Thinking Skills
3 Rofiq Adi Kurniawan, Sukartono Utilisation Of Youtube Kids Media In Grade IV IPAS Learning
4 Akhmad Tegar Rifai, Nur Amalia School Management And Promotion By The Principal Of Karungan 2 Primary School
5 Flora Ramona S.P Impact Of Interprofessional Education Collaboration In Attitudes, Skills, And Behavior Among Medical Students In Asia: Review Article
6 Salsabila Khoirunisa, Muhroji Children’s Confidence In Building Communication In Inclusive Schools
7 Adi Kurniawan, Ratnasari Diah Utami The Role Of Teachers And Parents In Building Ethical Values For The Formation Of Students’ Character
8 Erni Wijayanti Limitations Of The Use Of Learning Technology In Elementary Schools: Case Study
9 Nana Fauzana Azima Practicality And Validity Of Children’s Storybooks For Understanding Technological Innovation
10 Yumna Technology-Based Learning Innovation Using Interactive E-Books In Learning Akidah-Akhlak
11 Nur Hesti Rachmawati Building The Critical Thinking Skills In Elementary School Through The Independent Curriculum
12 Harun Joko Prayitno, Dini Hanifah Utilization Of “Wordwall” Media In Increasing Digital Literacy In Third-Grade Students At Pajang III State Elementary School
13 Harun Joko Prayitno, Mufida The Use Of “Movie Watch” Activities In Improving Students’ English Speaking Ability In The Front Of Class
14 Lia Lulu Mathofani Mahfud, Harun Joko Prayitno Strengthening Reading Comprehension Skills Of Short Stories With E-Comic Media Based On Digital Literacy For Elementary School Students
15 Author : Prof.Dr.Drs. Harun Joko Prayitno,S.E.,M.Hum; Corresponding Author : Devinda Nur Fitriany The Use Of Audiovisual Learning Media To Enhance Digital Literacy Competence In Indonesian Language Learning Among Fifth-Grade Students At Sdn 02 Baleharjo
16 Safinatun Najah, Nurma Yunita Indriyanti Development Of STEM Virtual Laboratory In Science Assisted By Articulate Storyline To Empower Self-Regulated Skills And Computational Thinking Skills Of Junior High School Students: A Need Analysis
17 Harun Joko Prayitno (First Author), Amanda Hesty Febriana (Corresponding Author) Strengthening Digital Literacy Through The Canva-Based Cooperative Integrated And Reading Composition (CIRC) Model For Class V Students Of SDN 2 Jeblogan
18 Tina Rahayu Teacher Readliness In Implementing The Merdeka Curicullum
19 Eriza Putri Ayu Ning Tias Analyze Chatgpt Usage In University Students’ Academic Writings
20 Fitri Puji Rahmawati Elementary Students’ Perception Of Dating:  A Case Study In Kartasura, Indonesia
21 Yoga Wibawa Mukti Diary Writing Method Integrated With Whatsapp Application To Improve Creative Writing Skills
22 Siti Nur Mahmudah The Use Of Lkpd Based On The Make A Match Model To Improve Digital Writing Skills In Low Grade Elementary Schools
23 Pelangi Bening Rinjani Development Of Learning Tools Model (Circ) With Portfolio Assessment To Improve Indonesian Writing Skills In Grade V Elementary School
24 Arvanti Yulia Pratama SAS Method With Interactive Flipbook To Improve Low Grade Beginning Reading Skills
25 Kamila Nisa Nur Fadilah Development Of Project Based Learning Based On Local Wisdom With Papper Puppets T0 Improve The Creative Thinking Of The Third Grade Students In Elementary Schools
26 Harun Joko Prayitno, Dinda Agustina Putri Sadanti Quiz Game-Based Wordwall Learning Media To Improve Digital Literacy Competence In Material On The Reproduction Of Living Creatures For Grade 4 Elementary School
27 Srisukasih The Influence Of Interactive Multimedia On Reading Interest And Critical Thinking Ability In Primary Education Students:  Literature Study
28 Harun Joko Prayitno, Anis Oktafiani Merdeka Curriculum Innovation In Building Students’ Independent Learning Character In Mathematics Subjects At The Primary Schools
29 Lulu Sania Dienti, Almuntaqo Zainuddin Implementation Of Out-Of-Class Learning At Muhammadiyah 1 Elementary School Surakarta
30 Awayna Faza Afifah, Almuntaqo Zainuddin Development Of Augmented Reality Learning Media On Hindu Buddhist Kingdom Material To Improve Critical Thinking In Grade IV Elementary School Students
31 Nabila Aisa Implementation Of Accounting Information System And Standards In TS Alumunium Yogyakarta
32 Deliya Anitiara Rufikah Instilling Pancasila Values In Shaping Children’s Character At The Sanggar Bimbingan Subang Mewah, Selangor, Malaysia
33 Yunus Aris Wibowo Using UAV Photogrammetry Data To Increase Pre-Service Geography Teachers’ Coastal Area Spatial Literacy (CASL)
34 Belinda Khoirunnisa Salsabila Teacher Strategies For Increasing Student Creativity Through The Project For Strengthening Pancasila Student Profiles
35 Srisukasih@Mail.Unnes.Ac.Id The Influence Of Interactive Multimedia On Reading Interest And Critical Thinking Ability In Primary Education Students:  Literature Study
36 Niluh Sekar Zulfa Umardhani, Walidatul ‘Ulya, Vera Yuli Ervina, Iis Suwartini, Herlin Sopianti Improving The Quality Of Education And Local Culture At Sanggar Guidance Kulim, Malaysia  
37 Adi Nurcahyo Gamification: Role Playing Game-Based Learning Media To Improve Mathematics Learning Activities  
38 Kurniana Bektiningsih, Sri Sami Asih Digital Story Telling As An Innovative Therapeutic Tool For Communication Development Disorders For Down Syndrome Students  
39 Laras Bheanika Fari, Nur Amalia The Impact Of The Merdeka Mengajar Platform For Teachers  
40 Bambang Sumardjoko Integrated Pancasila And Civic Education Learning Model  For 21st Century At Muhammadiyah Senior High School Of Surakarta  
41 Elsa Lusiana, Muhroji Pop Up Book Media In Indonesian Language Learning For Students Fairytales Elementary School  
42 Murfiah Dewi Wulandari Elementary Schooler’s Ability to Recognize and Respond in Hypothetical Abusive Situations: A Study in Surakarta, Indonesia  
43 Harsono Unveiling the Paradox Economic Letracy’s: Counterintuitive Impact of Impolsive  
44 Mauly Halwat Hikmat Reinforcing Reflective Learning Model by Applying Metacognitive Strategy for Student Teachers in Microteaching Class (pass code: 5&xjUVZM)  
44 Fika Megawati, Sheila Agustina, Nur Kamilah, Anam Fadlillah, Dian Novita Teaching Technology-Assisted English Classroom: Beliefs and Unlearning Practices  
44 Junita Dwi Wardhani Development of the Dolanan Song Encyclopedia Prototype to Improve Reading Literacy in Early Age Children Augmented Reality>